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Pain points in Organisations

Do you recognize yourself, or you recognize your organisation, in these examples?

Although we cannot reply with a one-to-one approach to them, the Agile Culture contributes to solve in a simpler and sustainable way...


Here are the 4 key pain points that Agile Culture solves :

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Low engagement:
Bore out to Burn Out

Missing the sense of purpose of the company, or job contribution to the whole - It sometimes brings to a low engagement, which is a pity for both collaborator and organisation... Worse, when there is a misalignment with (too) high engagement , which then leads to burn out...


Feeling like a pawn...

A feeling to be dictated a high number of useless controls, KPI, Dashboards, with sometimes conflicting cross-checks and lack of information to decide...

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increasing number of conflicts, whether they are open or underlying... Not to mention the elephant in the room that no one seem to be willing to address...


Absenteism and quitting...

Whether co-workers are continuously missing or are quitting easily, the burden gets necessary on the other team members, at the expense of work quality, or worse, of other colleague's health... Not to mention the cost of hiring itself!

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©Puissance 8 Sàrl, Rue des Bains 33-35, 1205 Genève, CH -

Créé avec - Mentions légales

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